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Ways that individuals, business
  Interkultur World Rankings for Pop, Jazz, Gospel, Spiritual & Barbershop Choirs
Stellenbosch University Choir
South Africa
The Aeolians
of Oakwood University
   Dekoor Close Harmony
Kearsney College Choir
South Africa
Barnsley Youth Choir
Great Britain
Drakensberg Boys Choir
South Africa
Hotumese Choir
   Mt. San Antonio College Singcopation
Singakademie Graz
Republic of Korea
   Sponsorship – become a Major Corporate Sponsor
£500 upwards 2023-24 Season
Barnsley Youth Choir has developed an international reputation and a very public and outward-facing presence. Commercial organisations and individuals wishing to support the choir and its aims will benefit from the significant media coverage that we now generate. Furthermore, we hope that the opportunity to become a major sponsor will boost the profile and standing of supporting organisations and help to develop positive public perception. As a registered charity (no. 1159861) there are opportunities to support through Corporate Social Responsibility, and there are other potential business benefits through tax deduction.
Silver Sponsor
£500 minimum
Name and logo listed on the website with a hyperlink to an organisation
2 silver sponsor badges
An A5 advert in one of our programmes during the season
2 VIP tickets to both our May and December Concerts with reserved seating, free programme and refreshments
An invitation to a special Sponsors' Evening where you will have the opportunity to meet Musical Directors and members of the choir plus the opportunity to get behind the scenes and watch a rehearsal.
Gold Sponsor
£1000 minimum
Name and logo on the homepage of the web- site with a hyperlink to your organisation
2 silver sponsor badges
An A5 advert in one of our programmes during the season
A framed photograph of the choir, thanking you for your support
2 VIP tickets to both our May and December Concerts with reserved seating, free pro- gramme and refreshments
An invitation to a special Sponsors' Evening where you will have the opportunity to meet Musical Directors and members of the choir plus the opportunity to get behind the scenes and watch a rehearsal
Official sponsorship of a concert with space for a stand / promotion.
Major Corporate Sponsor
£5000 minimum
All the benefits of the Gold Sponsorship Package
An exclusive performance in a venue in Barns- ley with one of our choirs. (Venues elsewhere would incur an additional cost)
A bespoke package to ensure that your com- pany / organisation receives excellent recogni- tion, exposure and support.
 Would you or your organisation consider sponsoring the choir and receiving benefits?
 For information or to pledge your support please contact Ka More information is available

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