Page 2 - BYC Spring Concert Program 2022
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Welcome to our Spring Concerts that will feature over 400 young people in 6 different choirs and our amazing band. These concerts have been kindly sponsored by Barnsley College, our main sponsor, who have a huge impact on the work we do and provide wonderful opportunities for young people in Barnsley.
It’s so good to be performing again! Our Christmas Concerts were joyous and were very much about re-establishing ourselves after so many challenges over the last couple of years. It was great to see audiences reconnect with the choir again,
allowing parents and family members to see the fantastic work that their children are involved in. All 4 concerts at Emmanuel Church were excellent, and the Unplugged Concert at St. Mary’s Church saw the Senior Choir really step up and perform at an incredibly high standard. We were also pleased to raise money for St. Mary’s Church that does so much to help some of the town’s most vulnerable. The generous support of audience members helped to raise £1751.22 towards the vital work that it continues to do.
January was a time to start moving forwards again, and reflect
on how the organisation is developing. We remain ambitious and passionate about providing the best possible experiences for our young people and we are really excited about future plans. We are so pleased to have recruited 12 excellent new volunteers who have come forwards and offered to support the choir as we continue to grow. Our volunteers allow the choir to function, and their kindness and generosity helps us to engage more and more children in positive music making. We have recognised the challenges that many young people face with mental health, and choir is very much an activity that supports their wellbeing, both physical and mental. We are training members of our volunteer and music teams to become accredited Mental Health First Aiders, to help us with identifying
and supporting our members well. Whilst our volunteers all have DBS checks and safeguarding training, many are also now becoming qualified chaperones which brings an extra tier of training and credibility to the wonderful work that they already do.