Page 11 - 16165 BYC Spring Concert Program 2023
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      Barnsley Youth Choir
Junior Choir Central
As we enter our sixth year of Junior Choir we can see very clearly that it continues to go from strength to strength.
When the choir first started, we were happy to have 20 children there, singing some simple songs, and hopefully standing in something resembling lines! We now have 50 children there on a weekly basis who rehearse with discipline, focus and are able to sing more challenging songs (including singing in two parts) to a really good standard. We are very grateful for this, and understand that it is down to years of building a culture of excellence. The most important feature of the choir, however, is FUN! If the children don’t enjoy themselves, we have failed. It is important to know that
we are still very silly! Our musical dream team helps with this enormously! When asked one week what makes Tom special a child replied enthusiastically “He plays Simon Says with us!” I assure you he does much more than this, but it is certainly a highlight for the children! This concert sees a debut performance of a song I
Musical Director Deputy Musical Director Accompanist Musical Assistant
Eleanor Wright Tom Masters Gareth Taylor Bronwen Dooling
BYC Junior Choir Central (4-7 yrs)
Thursday 4.30-5.30pm Barnsley Sixth Form College
have written for the Junior Choir; What’s in Your Heart. I hope you enjoy it and appreciate the sentiment behind it. When asked in a rehearsal what was in their hearts we had many replies like ‘love’ and ‘love for my brother’, then a future surgeon put his hand up and said “blood, a muscle and some tubes”. I told you we have fun! Laughter is guaranteed every week!
Eleanor Wright Musical Director
 Musical Assistant
Hannah Todd
Catherine Wroe
Helen Smith

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